Roof Rejuvenation Vs. Roof Replacement

Roof rejuvenation savings are huge compare to roof replacement!
You will be surprised to know Roof Refine’s Rejuvenation treatment to your old, aged and dry roof can save up to 80%!
Peak 301™ is new groundbreaking green technology that save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary roof replacement costs.
In recent years’ roof replacement cost have sky rocketed, due to several factors like COVID, supply chain interruption, inflation and so on.
And the extreme weather conditions due to climate change, the asphalt shingles doesn’t last as long as they supposed to, now within 10 – 15 years your roof starts to show sign of aging like drying out loosing girth. Instead of spending thousands of dollars for replacing the roof you can rejuvenate for a fraction of the cost.

For Example: The average asphalt shingles replacement cost per square foot in Florida is $5.60 to $9.00 (Higher than national average)
Whereas the average Roof Rejuvenation cost per square foot in Florida is $0.95 to $1.20
Calculation: 3000 sqft roof replacement at the lowest price of $5.60 = $16,800
3000 sqft rejuvenation at $0.95 = $2850

Savings $13,950
Plus, Roof Refine gives you complimentary roof tune-up and gutter cleaning a $450 Value!
Don’t wait call for Free no obligation custom quote for your property!